Safety Lesson feat. teenage me

Another challenge I participated in throughout the 2020-2021 lockdown was the Ottawa Filmmaker’s Weekly Film Challenge. Each week there was a theme and filmmakers were free to submit a short film that incorporated that theme. I participated a handful of times and had lots of fun coming up with different scenarios. My favourite one that I made was “Giving Safety Tips To My Teenage Self.” As you can guess from the title, the theme that week was “Safety”. I thought it would be fun to film myself giving tips to someone about safety, and who better to give tips to than my teenage self! Playing “teenage me” was so much fun and I’m glad I kept a few clothing items from the past. This was my first win for the Weekly Challenge and I was so happy that so many people voted for it. I had hoped it would resonate with everyone, especially during this lockdown, and I guess it did!

If I really could go back in time to talk to my younger self, I’d probably say the exact same things as in the video.



Trying to act creepy in “Hunted”


Jamie, Jessica & Jacklyn